PRESS-ing Forward Into a Male-Dominated Industry
Fabulous taste. Complex, sophisticated flavor profiles. Crisp bubbles. Luxurious packaging at affordable prices. Lower calories and sugar, AND women-run?
What more could you want?
The most powerful inspiration is sparked by “personal passion”, Amy Walberg, the creator of PRESS Seltzers says.
The idea to re-invent a seltzer with “global fruit and spice flavor” combinations came from the single professional’s share of international traveling, rich culinary and cultural journeys, and navigating motherhood. Read on to learn more about the innovative, woman-run and woman-created seltzer brand taking the world by storm — PRESS!
Starting out on a tiny scale, Amy decided to make her own drink when she couldn’t find one that was everything she wanted in a seltzer, her “go-to sipper” . Combining a sparkling base with exciting new flavors and serving it all up in a slick and elegant can hit all the marks, and Amy wanted a drink that could fit her busy lifestyle — jumping from entertaining friends to Mom duty at a moment’s notice — and she created that with PRESS. PRESS can now be found throughout the country at retail chains as well as independent stores. There is a store locator available on their website to see where you can get PRESS near you!
Breaking into a male-dominated field is no easy feat. Since March is Women’s History Month, PRESS’s collaboration with #FWMN really couldn’t come at a better time. Amy and the team at PRESS are trailblazing by adding women to the conversation in the hard seltzer industry where their voices previously haven’t been heard. However, Amy believes that every dream comes with rewards and challenges — and forging a path for PRESS, and for other women, comes with “the territory”. Though she is one of the only women founders in the hard seltzer industry, she breaks down barriers and kicks open doors with the inspiration of countless women who are trailblazing other industries. When asked about what tips Amy has for other women who want to become business owners and girlbosses, she said that she wants to remind everyone to be true to their vision and true to their customer. There’s always pressure to “compromise quality”, and take shortcuts, she says, but it’s important to remember what inspired you to start. You have to keep PRESSing forward!
Photo Courtesy of Press Premium Alcohol Seltzer
Something that #FWMN and PRESS have in common is our passion for community and connection. PRESS centers their customers — Amy wants to make sure that they have the best experience while also growing the brand and elevating the experience at large. To support this innovative woman-run business, we, as consumers, can request PRESS at local liquor stores, neighborhood restaurants or happy hour spots, serve it at personal celebrations, business functions, or talk about it whenever we get the chance — like here at Fashion Week Minnesota! PRESS is truly a company that we feel good about supporting — as they are so appreciative of their PRESS fans and community. They are passionate about about enhancing special moments in our lives with a few delicious, seltzer-y bubbles. On the horizon for PRESS is new fresh flavor pairings that we cannot wait to try, enjoy, and stock our fridges with!
Find out where you can buy PRESS near you here!
Follow PRESS on Instagram to stay up to date!
Read more about Amy’s background and PRESS at large on their website!