Get to Know the Mastermind @Gayle.Is.King

In the world of fashion and inclusivity, Gayle Smaller Jr, known by his social media handle @Gayle.Is.King, is a true mastermind. As a model, producer, community connector, and promoter, Gayle has made a name for himself as a leader in the Minneapolis creative scene. With a passion for bringing people together and a keen eye for design, Gayle is one of the key players behind this year's Fashion Week MN P R O X I M I T Y event. Follow along as we  take a closer look into who Gayle is, what he does, and how he's making a difference in the local community.

Photo Credit @Midmarkwest, Mark Brown

A native of Minneapolis, Gayle was raised in an environment filled with love and care. Despite his family's financial struggles, his loved ones shielded him from the harsh reality of their situation. Gayle's grandmother, who designed and created beautiful prom dresses for her family, became a significant source of inspiration for him, fueling his passion for fashion as an art form.

Gayle grew up with the understanding that showing up authentically and confidently was essential, regardless of one's background or circumstances. He attributes his grandmother's influence for instilling in him the confidence to wear his outfits with pride, irrespective of where they came from. This value remains with Gayle throughout his life and plays a significant role in shaping his career. 

Photo Credit @Midmarkwest, Mark Brown

While pursuing his master's degree in administrative leadership, Gayle felt a strong pull towards the local fashion and art community, seeking inspiration and connection. This desire led him to Fashion Week Minnesota, where he stepped out of his comfort zone and volunteered for almost every FWMN event during past seasons, merely to immerse himself in the environment alongside other creatives. One connection lead to another and after countless conceptualization sessions, deep and meaningful conversations, and intensive creative exploration, the seed of an idea finally blossomed into what we now know as P R O X I M I T Y.

I’m going through a transformative period, like a caterpillar in its chrysalis stage. I’m excited about what the future holds because I know that I’ve been building a strong foundation for greatness. I’m about to emerge from my cocoon as a beautiful butterfly, ready to take on the world and live up to my full potential.
— Gayle Smaller Jr.

For Gayle, art has always been a lifeline, a way to express himself and find his place in the world. This year, he's taking on a new role as a producer for Fashion Week MN, bringing his unique perspective and vision to the table. Gayle sees his involvement  as a chance to empower and inspire other local creatives, particularly those who may feel marginalized in society. By showcasing their work and highlighting their voices, he hopes to build a stronger, more inclusive community that celebrates diversity and creativity.

Photo Credit @Midmarkwest, Mark Brown

Looking to the future, Gayle hopes to further grow his streetwear line: MELANATED. It’s more than just a brand - it's a movement dedicated to promoting pride and joy within communities of melanated people. Founded on the simple idea of a screen-printed hoodie and t-shirt, MELANATED has grown into a platform that seeks to highlight the joy, happiness, and pride that exist within melanated communities. Their message is clear: regardless of race, gender, or background - everyone deserves to feel proud and confident in their own skin.

As Gayle and his team gear up for this year's event, they're focused on building a community of individuals committed to each other's success. By acknowledging and celebrating the greatness in one another, they're bringing all of us closer to greatness. Stay in the loop with the latest creations of @Gayle.Is.King, @MelinatedBrandCo, and @ProximityFashion by giving them a follow on Instagram.


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